Rado & Designers´ Saturday

As a major player on the international design scene and a proud recipient of numerous international design awards, Rado is delighted to announce a partnership with Designers’ Saturday, the largest and most important arena for new design and interior architecture in Norway.

Rado is looking for the next generation of design talent, and the shortlisted designers for the DS Award Best Talents will be exhibited on the Rado stand during Designers’ Saturday in September. The Judge’s will announce their winner, in addition Rado will arrange the People’s Choice Award, giving the public a chance to vote for their favourite.

Designers´ Saturday

10 – 12 September Oslo, 2021

Rado People’s Choice Award

During Designers’ Saturday the DS Awards Best Talents will be held, a highly recognized competition that invites design students and designers to compete in a design competition. Rado, being a dedicated supporter of up-and-coming young designers will offer the best shortlisted designs a platform to show their work to experts from the design field and the public. To celebrate the young design talent, Rado is arranging a People’s Choice Award giving the public a chance to vote for their favorite, and the young designer a chance to win one of the Swiss watch brand’s unique timepieces in a special competition.

Rado exhibition at Designers’ Saturday

During Designers’ Saturday, 10th – 12th September, Rado will be displaying the best shortlisted designs of the DS Awards Best Talents at the Rado stand in the new National Museum in Oslo. Different designers and producers will exhibit their products, with busses set up to transport the attendees through the different showrooms, the National Museum being one of them.

Discover the finalists and vote for your favourite

The finalists have been selected by a panel of design industry professionals and will be displayed by Rado during Designers’ Saturday, where a traditional jury will review and announce their winner. In addition, visitors to the Rado stand will be able to vote for their favorite project in the Rado People’s Choice Award where the winner will receive
a Rado watch.Don't miss out of the chance to vote or your favourite project today. The online public voting is now open!
Don't miss out of the chance to vote or your favourite project today. The online public voting is now open!

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